Friday, February 13, 2015


Jack Stefan
Key to Dominance 

I believe that impartial education is the gateway to a superior world.
People are easily manipulated! if they are prevented from learning the entire story. We humans have a natural urge to learn all that we can.
It is our biological advantage over the rest of the animal kingdom. We have been able to survive, thrive, and reach unimaginable heights by using our minds! We have become so powerful that our only remaining predators worth fearing are nature’s forces and ourselves.
Natural disasters, diseases, and humans threatening nuclear war are what will extinguish our species and all our accomplishments. The sole reason humans have risen to such summits and become the dominant species is rooted in our freedom to think, learn, and generate new and revolutionary ideas!
Any hindrance in the flow of knowledge is a sin against the human race. No matter what that knowledge is, if not everyone has the ability to learn about it, then we are automatically at a disadvantage. It is in the interest of humans to spread knowledge due to the fact that everyone will have a different view on that knowledge, and some views will be more paramount than others.

Those crucial ideas cannot be heard if the flow of knowledge is impeded! Many issues will be solved and others will arise, but these new issues will be less primal, less violent, and more civilized. Impartial education will pave the road to a better world.

I decided on an electronic format based on the fact that my manifesto is about education and progress, and if it were not electronic it would be sort of ironic. The red font evokes a little more passion and is eye grabbing, the words in black font are more significant words and are meant to stand out for added meaning. The indentations are just a more attention seeking look to the manifesto in order to draw the reader in. The appearance of the manifesto is meant to be attention grabbing and give exaggerated meaning to certain words for added effect. 

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